It was to effectively address the imbalance in development that the decentralization programme was initiated in 1984 with the District Assemblies established to initiate and coordinate the processes of planning, programming, budgeting and implementation of district plans, programmes and projects relevant to the needs of particular districts and communities. Talensi- Tongo Careful assessment is needed to identify policies and interventions, appropriate to meet individual district needs and circumstances. With over 31 million people, Ghana is the second-most populous country in West Africa after Nigeria. A partial explanation may be that several of the ethnic languages are only spoken and not written. Bono East Region: districts, towns, tribes, languages, culture. Demographic topics include basic education, health, and population statistics as well as identified religious affiliations. grey pneumatic 12 point socket set. The duration of exposure to Christianity may not be a possible explanation for the continued adherence to traditional religion. The region has one regional hospital and 517 health centers spread across the 15 MDAs, The region is endowed with 5 tertiary institutions, 49 second cycle institutions and 2,813 basic schools. The Upper East Region is an excellent tourist destination in its own right, offering visitors an exciting introduction to Ghana. The retired/pensioner group ranges from 1.9 per cent in Bawku East to 3.9 per cent in Builsa. However, Abubakari (2015) in their study in Northern region, a similar Upper East Region in Ghana Subdivision The population development in Upper East as well as related information and services (Wikipedia, Google, images). For males the proportion ranges from 57.7 per cent in Bolgatanga to 89.0 per cent in Bawku West, while that for females is from 44.8 per cent to 81.5 per cent in the same districts. The proportion with the vocational/technical/commercial level is 1.3 percent, made up of 1.7 per cent males and 1.0 per cent females. All the measures of fertility examined indicate a high but declining fertility. Drainage is mainly by the White and Red Volta and Sissili Rivers (Regional Coordinating Unit, 2003). The Regional Health Directorate is responsible for the overall health service planning, organisation, monitoring, supervision, evaluation and provision of technical support to districts. For the population aged 6 years and over who have attended school before, almost one in two (48.1%) attained primary level. The lowest (27.3%) is in Kassena-Nankana. The main vegetation is Sudan Savannah type with short grass, classified as vast areas of grassland, interspersed with guinea savannah woodland, characterized by drought-resistant trees such as acacia, baobab, sheanut, dawadawa, mango, neem, etc. At the district level, the proportion of the population who are heads of households ranges from 11.4 per cent in Bawku East to 19.2 per cent in Builsa, while the proportion of temporary heads ranges from 0.8 per cent in Bawku West and Bawku East to 1.4 per cent in Builsa. In Builsa, 90.3 per cent of households use wood for cooking. With a population of 920,089, this results in an average household size of 6.4 persons and an average of 1.6 households per house. Demographics - Population The lowest proportion (26.8%) is in Bawku East where Islam (51.1%) is the predominate religion. The focus of this information is on the main sources of drinking water. You are already subscribed to our newsletter! There are other health improvement programmes for the physically challenged and other vulnerable groups. Mobitel (Millicom) currently has no service in the region, but expects to operate from Bawku from early 2004. Firewood, millet and guinea corn stock and charcoal are the three main sources of fuel for cooking in the districts. Almost all of these children are engaged in agriculture (77.9%), production and transport equipment (9%), service work (8%) and sales work (4.4%). Ghanaians by birth or parenthood constitute 92.5 per cent of the population of the region. The indicators show that, for most of the demographic characteristics, the values for the region are not close to those of the country. Transitional Developments And New Socio-Political And Security Dynamics In Northern Mali. The proportion using the kerosene lamp varies from 78.1 per cent in the Bolgatanga, to 92.7 per cent in the Builsa, District. About two out of every three are in agriculture (66.4%). The area of origin, however, does not differ much. Crops like millet, onion, and tomato are widely grown there. Although rich agriculturally, the Upper East Region districts are considered some of the country's smallest municipalities. The Upper East Region is located in north Ghana [5] and is the third smallest of the 16 administrative regions in Ghana. Unlike in agriculture, the proportion of females engaged in manufacturing is higher than that of males at the regional and district levels (often about twice). Infact, this zone, which is around Fumbisi- Gbedembillisi area, is normally termed the rice-bowl of the region. The Western Region - Sekondi. UPPER EAST REGION As the traditional crossroads for trans-Saharan trade routes, the Upper East Region, in the north-eastern corner of the country, is the gateway to Ghana from Burkina Faso and Togo. Additionally, since most teachers are reluctant to live in relatively deprived areas of the region, most rural schools are also handicapped in terms of the quality of the education they provide. Other water-retaining structures (dams and dugouts) provide water for both domestic and agricultural purposes. Results: Five main themes emerged from the data analysis. The age-sex ratios from age group 45-49 to the oldest age, pick-up gradually and in a consistent manner except for the dents at ages 50-54 and 60 64 years. For over 80 per cent of households in the districts, the nearest telephone facility is five kilometres or more away. East, the proportion is 68.2 per cent while it is 67.4 per cent in Bolgatanga and 64.2 per cent in Kassena-Nankana. None revenue water is 31.75% as against the 30% target. It is one of the four districts created in the region in 2012, and its administrative capital is Fumbisi. It is important to note, however, that although the regional proportions at the various age groups follow the national pattern, there are substantial differences in the magnitude of the proportions between the country as a whole and the region. A variety of factors can influence health services utilization and health outcomes. List of districts in the North-East Region of Ghana. The Upper West Region is at the North-Western corner of the country. This proportion varies from 72.2 per cent in Bolgatanga, to 81.1 per cent in the Bawku West, District. Literacy in a Ghanaian language, 8.3 per cent for the region, is even lower than literacy in English only (14.4%). It shares boundaries with Bolgatanga community to the South West, Burkina Faso to the North, Nabdam district to the South East, and Kassena-Nankana East community to the West. Room occupancy. The Upper East Region is located in the north-eastern corner of Ghana and bordered by Burkina Faso to the north and Togo to the east. The regional capital district (Bolgatanga) received the highest proportion of Ghanaian migrants (37.2%). Currently, there are over 70 ethnic groups in the country. The proportion that attained Vocational/Technical/Commercial education level ranges from 2.9 per cent in Bawku West to 5.2 per cent in Bolgatanga. The age distribution however, is not much affected by changes in mortality, because mortality reduction, in general, does not relate to one or more specific age groups but affects the whole population. non migrants) ranges from 86.7 per cent in Bolgatanga to 93.6 per cent in Bawku West. The land is relatively flat with a few hills to the East and southeast. The data shows that within each district, three out of every four persons (74.5%) who had ever attended school attained primary or middle/JSS level. A higher proportion (9.4%) of males attain higher levels of schooling than females (5.3%). The majority (54.5%) of them are boys. engagement in economic activity by children of school going age 7-14 years) is widespread in all districts. Three main religious grouping are found in the Upper East Region, namely: Christianity, Islam and the Traditional. The three major industrial activities at the national level are agriculture, including hunting and forestry (49.1%) wholesale and retail trade (15.2%) and manufacturing (10.9%). On the basis of lithology and field relationships, the Voltaian is sub-divided into three sub-groups: Upper, Middle (Oti and Obosum) and Lower Voltaian (Basal Sandstones). Our education system will attract other Africans to Ghana Dr NGO calls for inclusive education for PWDs, Footballer in court for defrauding food vendor of GH17,000.00, Statement on captive Tiger euthanized in South Africa, Diet Villain explains how to recover your lost butt while trying to lose weight, Psychologist advises bondholders to look up to Higher Being in Domestic Debt Exchange, Peace and security are prerequisites for effective implementation of AfCFTA Police, Rigworld Foundation to sponsor 10 graduates from Nyong Technical Vocational School annually. This declining proportion of household headship after age 50 years would tend to contradict the popular notion that the culture being patriarchal, several generations in a compound look up to the patriarch as head of the residents. Population sizes and densities are however not uniform in the districts. About two-fifths (43.2%) of households occupying one sleeping rooms are over-crowded and 18.4 per cent of all households with two sleeping rooms are over-crowded. The German minority population in Russia, Ukraine, and the Soviet Union stemmed from several sources and arrived in several waves. This regional picture is reflected at the districts level. How many ethnic groups are in Ghana? Even the lowest proportion of households with no toilet facilities is 73.3 per cent (in Bawku East), followed closely by Bolgatanga, the regional capital district, with 75.1 percent. The population density of the region is higher than the national average. 2. The regional pattern is repeated in each district. The differences in the female/male population from age 20 to 69 are consistently high for the region. Whereas only one in five households, nationally, have no toilet facility, about three in four households in the region have no toilet facility. The Akan ethnic group consist of Asante, Akuapem, Kwahu, Fante, Bono, Akyem and others. The three major occupations in the districts are Agriculture and related workers, Sales workers, and Production and Transport Equipment workers. This formation is made up of well consolidated and gently folded rocks with an average dip of about 50 and it is marked by an escarpment. Within districts (except Bongo), more than 90 per cent of migrants are born in Ghana. Last edited on 20 November 2022, at 19:40,, "Sub-national HDI - Area Database - Global Data Lab", "Upper East Region: Group pushes for sex education to reduce teenage pregnancies", "Festivals in the Upper East Region - Ghana Embassy Berlin", "Ghana Districts - A repository of all districts in the republic of Ghana",, Bolgatanga International Craft and Arts Festival Organized by TradeAID Integrated*. 2021 Ghana Human Rights Report - Ghana is a constitutional democracy with a strong presidency and a unicameral 275-seat parliament. On the other hand, female inhabitants were most populous in the Volta . There was, thus, a 2.8 percentage point reduction in the rural share of the population between 1984 and 2000. Although the proportion of females who had never attended school is still higher than that for males, the proportion has reduced from 88.1 per cent in 1984 to 74.4 per cent in 2000. The climate is characterized by one rainy season from May/June to September/October. Post office facilities are very few in the region, and are limited almost entirely to the district capitals. This means that the formal sector constitutes only 25.4 per cent of the economy of the region and this has implications for tax revenue mobilization. The region has more females than males. Mud/mud brick is used mostly in Builsa (46.9%) and Kassena-Nankana (54.2%). In each district, the proportion of evermarried females is higher than that for males. Bawku East is the most mixed district in terms of ethnic groups. Contents: Subdivision The population development in Eastern as well as related information and services (Wikipedia, Google, images). Type of activity. Also, East Mamprusi community is to the South West, the Republic of Togo is to the East, and Bawku West community is to the West. The socio-cultural problems that can arise as a result of the ethnic diversity of Bawku East often manifested in the many ethnic conflicts in the district. In the new system, instructions start in English. The picture with regard to telephone facilities is not any different from what pertains to post office facilities. The Upper East Region districts remain part of the regions in Ghana that is agriculturally endowed. The lack of education in the region is not due only to general poverty and cultural practices but also to the very late introduction of education into the region.

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